Aquaculture fulfilling environmental functions

Details of the 2021–2023 contineous project (PDF)



On June 25, 2009, Birvėtos Tvenkiniai, UAB, submitted an application under the operational area “Aquaculture protective measures” of the second priority axis of the Lithuanian Fishery Sector Operational Programme 2007–2013, “Aquaculture, inland fishing, processing and marketing of fishery and aquaculture products”, for the measure “Aquaculture”, for the requested amount of support of LTL 2,308,750. The amount requested under the programme “Nature management in aquaculture farms” was LTL 1,500,000 and the amount requested under the programme “Waterfowl conservation measures in aquaculture farms” was LTL 808,750.

The one time maximum support available under the “Nature Management in Aquaculture Farms” programme over the 2007–2013 period was 1 million Lithuanian litas per applicant. or 1,5 million Lithuanian litas where the applicant’s aquaculture farm or part of it falls within a NATURA 2000 territory. As our farm falls within this area, we have made the most of the support available. A “Nature management Plan for Birvėta Wetlands of areas important for Bird Conservation” was prepared, coordinated by the Ministry of the Environment and supervised by the Directorate of Sirvėta Regional Park. Birvėtos tvenkiniai, UAB, has implemented a series of nature management measures in 2009–2013

We would like to point out that the nature management plan for the “Birvėta Wetlands territory (NATURA 2000)” was prepared before the funding was allocated. The volume of work planned was much higher than the funding allocated. Birvėtos tvenkiniai, UAB, carried out additional works for LTL 710,493 under the nature management plan in 2013–2013 for which no compensation was received. Additional employees had to be hired for the implementation of nature management measures. If in 2009 21 employees worked in our company, so in 2014 there were already 28 employees.

On December 21, 2015, Birvėtos tvenkiniai, UAB, submitted an application for support under “Aquaculture performing environmental protection functions” under the second union priority of the action program of the Lithuanian fishery sector 2014–2020 “Promotion of environmentally sustainable, resource-efficient, innovative, competitive and knowledge-based aquaculture”.

Two nature management plans were prepared in 2015:

1. Nature management plan of the part of the aquaculture farm Birvėtos tvenkiniai, UAB, located within the boundaries of the “Birvėtos šlapžemė” area important for the protection of birds.

2. Nature management plan for the part of the aquaculture farm Birvėtos tvenkiniai, UAB, located outside the Birvėtos biosphere reserve.

In line with these plans, a series of nature management works will be carried out between 2015–2020.




1. Union priority Promoting environmentally sustainable, resource-efficient, innovative, competitive and knowledge-based aquaculture
2. Measure Aquaculture fulfilling environmental functions
3. Project Name Name of the project for which support is requested “Birvėtos tvenkiniai, UAB, nature management”
4. Amount of support requested, EUR* EUR 696,552 The total amount of support requested is indicated in euros.
5. First year of project implementation 2015 Year of application.
6. Last year of project implementation 2021 Year of the last payment application submitted to the Agency.

* Didžiausia galima prašoma paramos suma pareiškėjui apskaičiuojama pagal Taisyklių 11 punkte nustatytą formulę.



Brief description of the essence of the project
Briefly explains in no more than 1/2 of the page:

Purpose of the Project;
what preparatory work has already been done;
what problems the project is needed to solve, why and for what the project results are needed;
why this particular method of solving the problem was chosen;
how the project is compatible with the operational programme instrument;
who will be responsible for implementing the project, how the project will be organised.

1. Objectives of the nature management project:
1.1 Conserve at least 5 pairs of Whooper Swans and at least 3 to 6 pairs of Great Bitterns.
1.2 Conserve breeding habitats for the Little Crake, Porzana, Common Tern and Black Tern.
1.3. Conserve foraging habitats for migratory flocks of White-fronted Geese.
2. The following tasks are expected to achieve the goals of the nature management plan:
2.1. ensure the preservation of open landscapes on the aquaculture farm
2.2. the creation and maintenance of open island habitats important for breeding sandpipers and geese
2.3. improving the status of breeding waterbird habitats in overwater vegetation
2.4. restoring bird feeding and breeding habitats degraded by swamping
2.5. reduce the negative environmental impacts of the functioning of the ponds

The main threats to the habitats of the protected species in the area are the spread of tall herbaceous and woody vegetation on the shores of the ponds, on the embankments and islands, the formation of homogeneous riparians in the ponds, and the swamping of part of the pond area. Protected rare species in the area prefer habitats in open, semi-open, mosaic or vegetation growing in medium density and medium depth zones. The main measures to avoid these threats are mowing of tall herbaceous vegetation on land and in water, felling of woody vegetation, reduction and fragmentation of continuous reeds and swampy areas. Another group of threats includes the loss of pond water due to the deterioration of the embankments’ containment properties. Drained ponds are more likely to swamp. Life-threatening anaerobic processes take place in them. Due to the sudden breaches of embankments, nests of waterfowl are stranded on land and get at risk of mortality. The containment properties of the ponds are strengthened by means of their reinforcement. Another set of threats relates to the damage caused by pond fishery to river ecosystems: water discharged from ponds in autumn pollutes the basins of the Dysna and Birveta rivers, and water abstracted to fill the ponds in dry springs can lead to a lack of water in these rivers. Increasing the efficiency of mud settling tanks reduces pollution, and the capacity of water supply channels allows more efficient use of spring flood water.

The project has been prepared for the period 2015–2020 in accordance with two nature management plans: Nature Management plan for part of the Birvėta wetlands (581.5 ha) and nature management plan for part of the Birvėta aquaculture farm outside the Birvėta biosphere reserve (156.7 ha). The plans have been prepared in accordance with the rules approved by Order No. 3D-744 of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania. Nature management plan “Nature management plan for the Birvėta wetlands”. In accordance with the instruction of the Rules, it was prepared in accordance with the description of the requirements for the development of a nature management plan, approved by the Order of the Minister of the Environment of the Republic of Lithuania of December 14, 2004, No. D1-645 “On the approval of the description of the requirements for the development of a nature management plan”, and approved by the Minister of Environment.

In 2015, all the measures set out in the “Birvėta Nature Management Plan for Wetlands” were completed. Cutting of shrubs (their offspring) on banks and embankments, mowing of embankments, cutting of trees and shrubs (their offspring) other than mowing of tall grass on islands, creation of new permanent islands, cutting of unsuitable reedbeds, clearing of areas of swamped ponds on non-peaty soils, clearing of swamped channels. The selected nature conservation measures correspond to the ecological specialization of the bird species specified in the project objectives and the natural characteristics of the area where the project is implemented, its natural changes, and the nature of human economic activity. Therefore, the project meets the requirements for the implementation of the 2014–2020 action program measure “Aquaculture performing environmental protection functions” of the Lithuanian fishery sector of the II Union priority “Promotion of environmentally significant, resource-efficient, innovative, competitive and knowledge-based aquaculture”, as it provides habitats important for waterfowl including restoration and conservation of properties beyond normal good aquaculture practices.

The measures of the Nature Management Plan will be implemented with the support as provided for in the Implementing Rules for the measure “Aquaculture with environmental functions” of the Second Union Priority of the Operational Programme of the Lithuanian Fishery Sector 2014–2020, “Promotion of environmentally sustainable, resource efficient, innovative, competitive and knowledge-based aquaculture”, approved by the Order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania of October 6, 2015, No. 3D-744.

The implementation of the project will be under the responsibility of the management of Birvėtos tvenkiniai, UAB, and all planned measures will be implemented using the company’s own capacities.

The Sirvėta Regional Park Authority will coordinate and support the beneficiary by providing advice on the best way and timing of the implementation of the nature management plan measures as required.




Project implementation period

(to be completed by the applicant by marking the relevant box with ‘X’)

Area of cultivated ponds declared in the 3 reference years selected prior to the submission of the application, ha (to be completed by the applicant) Declared area of cultivated ponds that fall into the “Natura 2000” territory, ha, selected from the 3 reference years prior to the application (to be completed by the applicant) Amount of aid per hectare of cultivated pond, EUR per ha Amount of support per hectare of “Natura 2000” cultivated pond, EUR per ha Amount of support requested, EUR*

(to be completed by the applicant)







5 years






6 years                X

*The applicant shall calculate the maximum amount of support that can be claimed on the basis of the formula provided and enter it in column 6 of the table.


(To be completed in accordance with the nature management plan)

Title of the management measure


(ha, m, m2, units)

Scope of work, year of project implementation*













Cutting of shrubs (their offspring) on banks and embankments ha 1 – 2 4 – 8 2 – 5 2 – 5 2 – 5 2 – 5
Mowing embankments ha 4 – 6 2 – 6 2 – 6 2 – 6 2 – 6 2 – 6
Cutting of trees and shrubs (their offspring) and mowing of tall grass on islands ha 5 – 7 5 – 7 5 – 7 5 – 7 5 – 7 5 – 7
Formation of new permanent islands ha 0,5 – 1,3 0 – 0,5 0 – 0,3  0 – 0,8
Cutting out unsuitable reeds ha 1 – 6 1 – 9 1 – 9 1 – 9 1 – 9 1 – 9
Remediation of swamped pond areas on peat soils ha 1 – 6 1 – 6 0 – 6 0 – 8 0 – 4
Remediation of swamped pond areas on non-peat soils ha 10 – 12 3 – 6 3 – 8 0 – 8 2 – 11 0 – 6
Cleaning blocked canals m 600 – 1200 300 – 1800 300 – 1800 300 – 1800 300 – 1800 100 – 1800
Strengthening embankments m2 0 – 8000 0 – 4000 0 – 3000
Cleaning of mud settling tanks and other outfall water quality improvement channels m 0 – 2530 400 – 700 0 – 2530

* The project must run for at least 5 years and up to 6 years.